Real Estate Agents
Find And Win Clients So Effortlessly,
It's Almost Unfair.
What Is I-Square?
I-Square functions more like a one-on-one Zoom meeting. I-Square does not simply display generic content to consumers. It is designed to continually display specific information that reflects the specific and ongoing needs of an individual prospect or groups of prospects. Unlike a website, I-Square is meticulously designed to create and nurture business winning connections between you and prospects.
Build relationships and the sales will come on their own.
I-Square elegantly sets the stage for consumers to develop rapport and connections with you. While other agents are hoping that somehow a personal connection will magically blossom, agents using I-Square are routinely forging priceless, business-winning relationships. This is something an ordinary site cannot do. It's what makes I-Square the game-changer it is.
The two-fold purpose of I-Square is both simple and powerful:
How Does I-Square Develop Relationships?
To see the difference when compared with an ordinary site, take a close look at the examples (mockups) below. Note the impossibly specific focus directed at one potential client or subject matter. It's this personal focus that opens the door to a closer connection between you and your prospects. It is laying the groundwork for the development of powerful business-winning relationships.
Relationship Selling is the smart new trend.
Here's why you should be utilizing it.
Relationship selling is a relatively new sales technique. The concept prioritizes building a connection with customers and potential buyers to close sales. Rather than solely using the price and other details to sell a product or service, the salesperson places additional focus on creating unique interactions with their customers. Unlike transactional selling - which is all about making the sale, relationship selling is all about trust and human connection. The result of a good relational sales process is a buyer-seller relationship that only gets stronger with time.
The relationship selling process integrates more personal touchpoints into your traditional sales process. That means initiating more interaction that is not solely focused on the sale.